
Looking for professional and reliable Chinese translation services? Look no further.

At LingPerfect, we translate any document into and from Chinese, for any industry type.

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Having LingPerfect as your translation & localization partner gives you immediate access to years of Chinese language translation and localization experience, plus the expertise to work within your existing technology stack. As a result, you will be able to translate from English to Traditional or Simplified Chinese quickly and at scale. And our team will help you plan and manage projects of any size in a scalable and affordable way.

Our translation company has offices in Beijing, the capital and biggest city of mainland China. The benefit of this is that we have first-hand knowledge of how the Chinese business culture operates. So if you require professional Chinese business translation services, you are in the right place.

Accurate & reliable Chinese business translation services partner for any industry

At LingPerfect, we provide accurate and high-quality Chinese translations in every possible field and industry. We offer a wide range of Chinese translation services, with specialties in marketing, law, and technology.

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to our clients, including faster turnaround times and lower prices for smaller projects.

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English to Chinese translations: what makes them so specific?

Hong Kong skyline

There are a few key reasons why translating from English to Chinese can be particularly difficult.

Firstly, the two languages use different words to describe the same concept. For example, the word “health” has multiple translations in Chinese – including 意志 (yìzhì), which means “willpower”, and 健康 (jiànkāng), which means “healthy.”

This can make it difficult for a translator to ensure that they are using the correct word in the translation, and can lead to ambiguities.

Another issue that can arise when translating from English to Chinese is that the two languages often use different sentence structures. In English, it is common to use compound sentences – i.e., two or more clauses joined together by a conjunction such as “and” or “but.” However, Chinese typically uses shorter, simpler sentences, with one clause per sentence. This can make translating complex English sentences into Chinese–without losing nuance or accuracy–quite challenging.

Finally, one of the biggest challenges when translating from English to Chinese is the difference in the two languages’ writing systems. Chinese is written in logograms, while English is written in alphabetical letters. This can make it difficult to translate idiomatic expressions or acronyms from English to Chinese, as the corresponding characters may not exist. Additionally, Chinese words can be written in multiple ways, depending on the context, which can further complicate translation.

Full-spectrum professional Chinese translation services

At LingPerfect Translations, we offer the following Chinese translation services:

Certified Chinese translators, interpreters, and more

We have a wide range of language experts who can assist with your translation needs. So whether you need certified Chinese translations for legal or business purposes or require interpretation for a meeting or event, we can provide the perfect professional for the job.

Our linguists are experienced in various fields, so you can be sure they will have the expertise you need. In addition, we have translators and interpreters with backgrounds in law, medicine, finance, and more. Whatever your requirement, we can find the perfect linguist to help.

Our language experts are all certified or qualified in their field. They also undergo a rigorous screening process before joining our team, so you can be sure they will meet your high standards. We only provide the most professional language experts for our customers, and we are committed to helping your business succeed through our translation services.

We have a well-established pool of Chinese language experts: both native Chinese translators for English to Chinese translation and native English linguists for Chinese to English translation projects.

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Chinese localization services

Chinese localization refers to the process of modifying your website, marketing materials, and other elements so they read as if they were originally written in Chinese. This requires an expert Chinese translator with a deep knowledge of both Chinese and your industry who can ensure that any Chinese translations sound natural and understands the cultural aspects of the Chinese.

Recent estimates show that the level of English Proficiency in China has grown considerably. Still, only 10 million Chinese people claim to be proficient enough in English to communicate with ease. And while the figure might seem considerable in another country, it represents less than 1% of the population in China.

So if you haven’t localized your website for the Chinese market, you are missing out on an audience of 1 billion people. No wonder that this year, Chinese localization No.1 most highly demanded service at LingPerfect.

Types of localization services for the Chinese market

At LingPerfect, we provide a range of Chinese localization services to help businesses communicate with their target audience in China. This includes translation, transcreation, cultural adaptation, and local marketing services.

We have a team of skilled Chinese translators who are native speakers of Chinese Mandarin and Cantonese. They can translate your content accurately and faithfully into both dialects, ensuring that your message is conveyed correctly to your Chinese audience.

In addition to Chinese translation, we also offer cultural adaptation services to help you localize your content for the Chinese market. For example, we can adapt your website, marketing materials, and other content to reflect Chinese culture and values, helping you to connect with your target audience on a deeper level.

Finally, we also offer local marketing services, such as web marketing, SEO, Chinese social media content localization, and content development to help you reach your audience in China. Through a combination of these services, we can help make your Chinese localization efforts a success.

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Get professional Chinese translation services now

chinese logogram on floor

English to Chinese translation: the difficulties

The grammar of the Chinese language is more complex than the English language. In English, nouns are not marked for gender, number, or case, but in Chinese, each word has a specific character that shows its gender, number, and case.

There are no articles (a, an, or the) in Chinese, and there is no such thing as a verb tense change in spelling like there is in English.

All the more reason you should steer clear of machine translation services that go on auto-pilot when translating important, client-facing documents from English into Chinese.

Traditional Chinese vs. Simplified Chinese

The Chinese language has two written forms, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. They are the same language but written differently. In other words, the differences only really apply to the written language.

Simplified Chinese is a set of standardized characters that was developed in mainland China and became the written standard there eventually. In the late 1940s, Mao Zedong ordered reforms to be carried out as part of his overall campaign to increase literacy throughout China. The aim was to create a simplified system of character formation, which would make it easier for the average person to learn and write.

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traditional chinese script writing

In fact, in traditional Chinese, there are around 50,000 characters, while the Simplified Chinese counts only about 7000. Furthermore, traditional Chinese is often written with additional strokes to indicate pronunciation. In traditional Chinese, each character can have up to 32 distinct strokes if no simplification techniques are used. In simplified Chinese, the number of distinct strokes per character is limited to fewer than 20 and varies from writer to writer. For example, 寫 would be simplified as 书 but other writers might write it as 写 or 書.

However, the “intricacy” of the Traditional Chinese does not preclude its widespread use. It remains the most widely used version in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and many overseas Chinese communities. The simplified form, on the other hand, is used in mainland China and Singapore.

This means that the decision on whether your documents should be translated into Simplified or Traditional Chinese is tightly linked to the geography where they are to be used.

How many official Chinese dialects are there?

There are several other major dialects in use in China:

  • Putonghua (Mandarin)
  • Yue (Cantonese)
  • Xiang (Hunanese)
  • Min dialect
  • Gan dialect
  • Wu dialect
  • Kejia or Hakka dialect.

Mandarin Chinese

This is the official Chinese dialect. There are about 898 million native Mandarin Chinese speakers in China and Taiwan (70% of the population) and 300+ million who speak it as a second language. In addition, Mandarin Chinese is one of the six official languages of the United Nations.

More people speak Mandarin Chinese than any other language in the world. In fact, it’s estimated that about one-fifth of all humans speak Mandarin Chinese either as their native language or a second language.

Mandarin is the language of instruction in schools and universities in China, and all official documents are written in Mandarin. In addition, radio and television broadcasts are also in Mandarin.

Chinese Mandarin language translation services

Mandarin Chinese is in high demand due to the increasing globalization of businesses. At LingPerfect, we offer fast, reliable, and accurate translations into Chinese Mandarin.

Our team translators are all native Chinese speakers. They are experienced in translating a variety of documents, including legal contracts, medical records, and website content. We provide translation services from Chinese Mandarin into English, and vice versa.

If you are looking for a quality Chinese Mandarin translation, contact LingPerfect today. We will be happy to help.

Cantonese Chinese

The next most widely spoken dialect is Cantonese Chinese, with about 77 million native speakers and 45 million second-language speakers. Cantonese Chinese is spoken primarily in southeastern China (an area historically known as Canton) and by a large number of Chinese expatriates worldwide. Despite sharing some vocabulary, Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese are mutually unintelligible, owing to their differing systems of grammar and pronunciation.

Enterprises doing business in China or with Chinese customers often find it necessary to localize their products and services into Cantonese. This can involve adapting the language and culture-specific terms to this dialect and adjusting marketing materials and other communications to be more relevant and effective in the Cantonese-speaking market.

However, people in different parts of China often use their dialects for everyday communication. Therefore, depending on the type of content, you may want to consider localizing for a specific dialect or locale.

Canton tower in Guangzhou China